Stop Christchurch Call from Silencing Kiwis

The Christchurch Call has become a threat to free speech. The censorial mission creep must stop.

We abhor the violent terrorist attack on the Christchurch mosques that took place on 15 March 2019. Steps taken in response to this tragedy by the Christchurch Call to eliminate terrorist and extremist content do not necessarily threaten civil liberties.

However, as retired judge Dr. David Harvey has noted, there is a significant “mission creep” in the work of the Christchurch Call.

Recent documents released under the OIA show that the Christchurch Call is now working to prevent “gender-based extremism” (including anti-LGBTQIA+) by targeting 'gender-based hatred'. This could mean that the Christchurch Call seeks to oppose and suppress the ideological views of some people, such as those who are gender-critical and reject that individuals can change their sex.

But that’s not all. The documents also show that the Call’s core mission of preventing violent extremism has been conflated with preventing dissent from ideologies that promote ‘diversity’ and ‘inclusion’ and promote restrictions on so-called 'hate speech'.

The Call's work to prevent terrorist/violent content, and their new aims to suppress dissent from the prevailing orthodoxies are inconsistent with New Zealanders rights to freedom of speech online.

The Free Speech Union seeks to promote a culture of free speech, intellectual inquiry and tolerance for differing opinions.

The more we learn about the Christchurch Call, the more it seems like it is doing the opposite.

The Prime Minister needs to get the Call back to its core business, or get rid of the call. 

I call on the Prime Minister to stop funding and favouring the people who’ve been abusing our sympathy and anxiety about terrorism for power to suppress free speech.

I call on him not to be their dupe.

I call on him to put people in charge who’ll focus on violent extremism, not unfashionable views.

7,376 signature
Goal: 7500 signature

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Showing 4681 reactions

  • Daniel Penniall
    signed 2024-02-02 17:30:41 +1300
  • Maureen Corry
    signed 2024-02-02 17:30:30 +1300
  • Steve Sullivan
    signed 2024-02-02 17:30:23 +1300
  • Jodi Payne
    signed 2024-02-02 17:30:22 +1300
  • Nicole Fleming
    signed 2024-02-02 17:30:19 +1300
  • Kiernan Hoffman
    signed 2024-02-02 17:30:18 +1300
    Especially concerning after watching the attempted lynching of Kellie-Jay Keen at the ‘Let Women Speak’ rally, and seeing the 70+ year old lady being repeatedly punched in the face by a tranny while the police stood there and watched and did nothing, and all the media lies afterward.
  • James Ahmu
    signed 2024-02-02 17:30:16 +1300
  • Sandra Beltman
    signed 2024-02-02 17:30:15 +1300
  • Philip Compton
    signed 2024-02-02 17:30:15 +1300
  • Eve Lennard
    signed 2024-02-02 17:30:13 +1300
  • Savia Arbuckle
    signed 2024-02-02 17:30:10 +1300
  • Ian Holmes
    signed 2024-02-02 17:30:08 +1300
  • Beth Johnson
    signed 2024-02-02 17:29:51 +1300
  • Mark Wickham
    signed 2024-02-02 17:29:45 +1300
  • Tad Motyl
    signed 2024-02-02 17:29:44 +1300
  • John McDonald
    signed 2024-02-02 17:29:44 +1300
  • bob mcdonald
    signed 2024-02-02 17:29:42 +1300
  • Raewyn Stockdale
    signed 2024-02-02 17:29:34 +1300
  • Susan Bolland
    signed 2024-02-02 17:29:32 +1300
    This is an absolute disgrace by Jacinda Arden, still trying to control the people of New Zealand.
  • Michael Gaunt
    signed 2024-02-02 17:29:28 +1300
  • Colin Robertson
    signed 2024-02-02 17:29:28 +1300
  • Mark Bryant
    signed 2024-02-02 17:29:27 +1300
    Adern needs prosecution for Covid Crimes not rewarding with 500k pa. She needs to keep her filthy blood stained hands off free speach. Would this comment see me in a Gulag, Adern? So FU.
  • Julie Seevens
    followed this page 2024-02-02 17:29:27 +1300
  • Duncan Priest
    signed 2024-02-02 17:29:15 +1300
  • Michael Pether
    signed 2024-02-02 17:29:14 +1300
  • Peter Adams
    signed 2024-02-02 17:29:05 +1300
    The worst PM of our time has been reincarnated as the thought police champion. Censorship and social manipulation was always the goal of the Christchurch Call.
  • Stephen Gummer
    signed 2024-02-02 17:28:53 +1300
  • Roger Ansin
    signed 2024-02-02 17:28:51 +1300
  • Ainslie Rice
    signed 2024-02-02 17:28:49 +1300
  • Mike Burke
    signed 2024-02-02 17:28:48 +1300
    We, the public, had no knowledge of this sneaky move.

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