Police Must Stop Unlawful Training
Commissioner Coster,
RE: Unlawful Hate Speech Training for NZ Police
NZ Police officers are currently receiving compulsory training designed to help them detect ‘hate speech’ and ‘hate crimes.’
Examples of such ‘offences’ in the training material include the statements, ‘There are only two genders’, ‘Kiwi Not Iwi’ and perhaps the most perplexing of all, ‘Free Speech’.
Hate crime laws do not exist in NZ. 'Hate speech' is very narrowly defined in the Human Rights Act. However, the examples presented to officers in this case are not only highly prejudicial, but should be self-evidently legal.
‘Free of expression’ is a right enshrined in our Bill of Rights Act. ‘Kiwi Not Iwi’ formed the campaign slogan of the National Party in 2005. To invert this fundamental right by presenting it as criminal is outrageous and suggests a deliberate politicisation of NZ Police under your leadership. Senior officers have contacted us alarmed by these unjustified moves within their ranks.
If this training is implemented as per the module’s own instructions to ‘Recognise, Record, and Respond’, law enforcement in this instance would be enforcing laws which do not exist!
NZ Police exercise authority according to the doctrine of ‘policing by consent.’ Such extra-judicial activism defies this fundamental public mandate by showing a callous disregard for the Sovereignty of Parliament as sole author of NZ law.
We call on you to cease this training immediately.
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Andrew Prichard signed 2024-08-10 14:41:29 +1200
Gaile McInnes signed 2024-08-10 14:00:41 +1200We will end up like England and France and rest of Europe Having our voices, the voices of the people who pay the taxes Rates Councils Govt. Taken away when we dont agree with something they want the people to accept. Especially what has happened with immigration global warming,Sales of farms to the wealthy and intergrating universitys with communism causing disorder and media printing their own version of events and having no investigative reporting of truth.
Shirley Bisschoff signed 2024-08-10 13:23:07 +1200
Gary Stewart signed 2024-08-10 13:08:37 +1200
Jill Belton signed 2024-08-10 12:44:11 +1200
cherilyn rice signed 2024-08-10 12:43:29 +1200
Robin Malcolmson signed 2024-08-10 10:57:36 +1200
Micheal Warren signed 2024-08-10 10:45:44 +1200
Mark Hulm signed 2024-08-10 10:40:21 +1200
Ivan Marshall signed 2024-08-10 10:39:57 +1200
Phil Amos signed 2024-08-10 09:55:35 +1200
Maharatanga Rankin signed 2024-08-10 05:44:56 +1200
Jamie Parker signed 2024-08-10 04:33:43 +1200Nz police are a joke and woke. I’m in the service industry and visited 3 police stations here in the bay weekly. I see nee recruits standing around in an office singing nursery rythmes in Maori whilst some hobo (being paid a fortune no doubt) sits in the corner strumming his guitar. Everything I see it I just cringe and think what would the tax payer think of this nonsense. Nz police are a joke.
Four Skinner signed 2024-08-10 03:48:22 +1200
David Oertly signed 2024-08-10 00:30:17 +1200This is appalling over-reach by the police in a society that is founded on the freedom to express and debate ideas without censorship or police intimidation.
Darren Richards signed 2024-08-10 00:04:01 +1200Stop this woke nonsense and start catching real crims.
Caroline Persson signed 2024-08-09 22:52:10 +1200
Juanita Mckenzie signed 2024-08-09 22:35:53 +1200
helen quinlan -young signed 2024-08-09 21:55:57 +1200
Fiona Totoro signed 2024-08-09 21:22:34 +1200Just another crack down on free speech by labelling any disagreeing with the official narrative as ‘hate speech.
Richard Fogden signed 2024-08-09 20:54:16 +1200
Jad Pamment signed 2024-08-09 20:51:45 +1200The point of the police force is to police and enforce laws as determined by parliament. It is not the jurisdiction or purview of the police to just make up laws based on ideological beliefs of the previous government.
murray ewing signed 2024-08-09 20:48:41 +1200
Daniel Peacock signed 2024-08-09 19:05:54 +1200
Josie Bullock signed 2024-08-09 17:57:42 +1200Ridiculous. Anti-democratic. A dreadful waste of police time.
Terrence Rangihuna signed 2024-08-09 17:05:06 +1200
Steven Bennett signed 2024-08-09 15:58:50 +1200The Police have enough to do following the Current laws. Crime is a major problem in NZ and Police are already under resourced without having to waste valuable time trying to interpret what constitutes hate speech or hate crime, let alone adding extra burden to our already overloaded court system. This will be not only totally unnecessary waste of Police time and Justice resources. Not to mention the added cost to the Taxpayers of NZ. There is no need to create new and unnecessary laws as there is more than enough real crime for our current Law enforcement and administration services to deal with. This proposal will just weaken the ability of an already overstretched Legal system and do nothing to address the problems of real crime.
Thank you -
Elizabeth Gillespie signed 2024-08-09 15:51:19 +1200This training is an outrageous over reach by police. They need to do their job often missing when needed and stay in their laneway.
Margo Bartlett signed 2024-08-09 15:45:01 +1200Follow the laws, no need to create new and unnecessary laws thanks. Focus on policing real criminality.
Frank Varsanyi signed 2024-08-09 15:30:25 +1200
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