Human beings cannot flourish unless they are free

We protect, expand, and fight for New Zealanders’ rights to freedom of speech, conscience, and intellectual inquiry. We envision a flourishing New Zealand civil society that values and protects vigorous debate, dissenting ideas, and freedom of speech as cultural cornerstones.

Human beings cannot flourish unless they are free

We protect, expand, and fight for New Zealanders’ rights to freedom of speech, conscience, and intellectual inquiry. We envision a flourishing New Zealand civil society that values and protects vigorous debate, dissenting ideas, and freedom of speech as cultural cornerstones.



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Police Must Stop Unlawful Training

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'Misgendering' isn't a crime!

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The Free Speech Union was formed in 2021 and has grown rapidly. It came from the Free Speech Coalition which began in 2018 out of the need to challenge the Mayor of Auckland after he banned people whose views he disliked and treated Council property as his own.

Our job is to fight the expansion of government censorship, by challenging bad legislation and dangerous legal precedents. We’re the central hub of a network of Kiwis who are motivated by the dire need to protect free speech across all areas - media, academia, politics, workplaces, city councils…

About us

We’re a community committed to providing accessible, reliable, impartial advice to make a life-changing difference for people who find themselves ostracised.


How we can help

We advocate and defend your human right to freedom of speech, regardless of your stance.

We don’t take any sides on political, cultural, social or ethical matters. But we go into bat so that you can. If you’ve been threatened, silenced, fired, or cancelled, we’ll advocate for your rights through writing letters, petitions, spreading awareness and representing you.

Get in touch today

“Whether it’s in the workplace or the public square, you need the protection of the Free Speech Union. Only with you – and with thousands like you – can we defend free speech”


More regulation of media will inevitably lead to even lower trust in media

Feb 12, 2025 MEDIA RELEASE 12 February 2025FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE More regulation of media will inevitably lead to even lower trust in media The Media Reform consultation released today by Media and Communications Minister, Paul Goldsmith, offers solutions to problems of the government’s own making. Further regulation of media will fail to increase... Read more

'Cultural safety'... what even is that?

Feb 11, 2025 I’m writing about further abuse by professional regulators, forcing political opinions on healthcare workers. If they don’t echo the party line, they face deregistration. Cross-cultural assumptions can be risky. Just ask Christopher Columbus who upon arriving in the Caribbean believed he’d found Asia and proudly insisted, despite all evidence to the contrary,... Read more

Healthcare Professional Regulators Imposing Contested Ideological Positions

Feb 10, 2025 Professional Regulators Read more