The Free Speech Union Debate Series - Wellington
Moot: "be it resolved, our tax system is unfair and the wealthy must pay more".
Speakers: Jordan Williams & Ruth Richardson vs Bryce Edwards & Max Rashbrooke
Moderator: Sean Plunkett
Inspired by and modelled after such events as The Munk Debates, Oxford Union, The Cambridge Union, and similar events organised by Intelligence Squared, the New Zealand Free Speech Union is organising its very own debate series, where the principle of free speech can be practiced through the exchange of differing thoughts and ideas. The FSU Debate Series will be a place where a wide range of ideas and opinions, presented by a diverse range of speakers can come together to affirm the belief that the discussion of complex topics should not only be encouraged but is an essential element of any free society.
Human beings cannot flourish in an unfree society, which means they cannot flourish in the absence of free speech. Free speech is crucial to how knowledge is developed and shared, with theories and views constantly tested and refined in open inquiry and discussion. Robust debate, appealing to reason and evidence—not simply prevailing orthodoxy—is the best way to tackle important issues without descending into a philosophy of “might makes right”.
We believe human beings cannot flourish in an unfree society, which means they cannot flourish in the absence of free speech. Join us for the FSU Debate Series 2023 as we fight for and celebrate the practice of free speech.
September 04, 2023 at 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Victoria University of Wellington
RHLT1 Pipitea Campus
Wellington 6012
New Zealand
Google map and directions
Nathan Seiuli ·