If The Prime Minister Doesn't Understand Her 'Hate Speech' Law, How Are Kiwis Supposed To?

28 June 2021


If The Prime Minister Doesn't Understand Her 'Hate Speech' Law, How Are Kiwis Supposed To?

The more that our elected lawmakers talk about the proposed 'hate speech' laws, the more concerned New Zealanders should become, according to the Free Speech Union.

“Over the weekend the Minister of Justice, Kris Faafoi, couldn't clearly say that millennials wouldn't be up for possibly three years in jail if they wrote something that spoke ill of boomers as blame for not being able to afford a house,” said Dr David Cumin, a Spokesman for the Free Speech Union.

"This morning the Prime Minister told the AM Show the proposed law was to 'clarify' the existing legislation, was to stop incitement to violence against groups, and political opinion would not be included as a protected category."

“The PM’s comments do not match the proposals issued by her Government. If the proposed law change is just about stopping incitement to violence, why is the wording not so clear?”

“And why would our PM allow incitement to violence against people with a certain political opinion? Surely, when the threshold of inciting violence is breached, whoever is the target should be protected. Inciting violence towards anyone is already criminal, and rightly so.”

“Something doesn't add up. Either the politicians don’t understand what they are doing, or they are misleading Kiwis.”

The Free Speech Union is calling on New Zealanders to join its campaign against the proposed ‘hate speech’ laws at www.fsu.nz/support

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  • Free Speech Union
    published this page in Media releases 2023-11-20 15:50:38 +1300

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