Hate Speech Detector: Website Launched For Kiwis To Check Their Speech Against New Laws
2 July 2021
Given recent confusion about what the proposed ‘hate speech’ laws mean, which appeared to even stump the Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, the Free Speech Union has launched a vital tool for Kiwis to ‘check their speech’ at www.HateSpeechDetector.com
The Union’s spokesman Dr David Cumin, slightly tongue in cheek, said, “We’ve teamed up with the country’s best machine learning experts to create this crucial tool. It analyses statements people feel might be controversial to determine if they will be criminalised under the proposed "hate speech" laws.”
“In a democracy, no one should be uncertain about what they can say and not say. Asking the Police, or the courts to arbitrate political, religious, or even offensive, speech is chilling.”
The website is a part of a new campaign from the Free Speech Union to convince the Government to withdraw its proposed new laws, or at the very least limit the changes to what the Royal Commission actually said. New Zealanders are asked to support the campaign by adding their name to the petition against the new anti-speech laws at www.SaveFreeSpeech.co.nz
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