“Free speech is the lifeblood of a university”: Free Speech Union applauds University of Otago’s new gold standard of free speech statements

09 July 2024
“Free speech is the lifeblood of a university”: Free Speech Union applauds University of Otago’s new gold standard of free speech statements
The Free Speech Union strongly welcomes the University of Otago’s impressive statement on free speech released today, says Jonathan Ayling, Chief Executive of the Free Speech Union.
“University of Otago’s statement on free speech is the best we’ve seen in the country. It is the new gold standard for policies of this kind and should set the tone for other New Zealand universities.
“The University articulates the crucial importance of free speech for the function of the university, and of tolerance and diversity of opinion.
“A key point is the acknowledgment that some ideas aren’t off limits simply because some deem them unwise or offensive. We commend their stance that the university is not a place to be kept ‘safe’ from ideas.
“We welcome this policy and congratulate the university on its dedication to this freedom.”
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