Feedback on ‘The role of Universities in supporting freedom of speech’ event
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Malcolm Robbins commented 2024-06-01 11:09:31 +1200I listened to the live stream for the first hour and then gave up. It came across to me as a “staged” event. I came away feeling quite depressed about the academic culture in New Zealand. As someone who came through that system over 40 years ago now I feel quite sad. Western civilisation is in decline if not collapsing…
Simon Hunt commented 2024-06-01 10:41:42 +1200Well-reasoned feedback from the Free Speech Union! I too had the overwhelming impression that the format of the event completely stifled any debate & real discussion of the set topic. It came across as a PR job for the University, & a confused one at that!
john casey commented 2024-06-01 10:04:01 +1200It is a sad indictment that university is now a place of indoctrination focused on left wing marxist doctrine. There is no room for expressing radical or counter intuitive ideas. Western style democracies have been built on Christian philosophies, priciples and morals. These principles have been under attack by marxist/communist doctrine for many years. Political leaders everywhere have been in the pocket of the World Health Organistation financed by the likes of George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates et al. Money speaks any language and is controlled by the major banks who are owned and run by Jews who control the USA, Britain, Canada and France. White Christians who have died in their millions defending democracy. The Russian revolution of 1917, led by Lenin and the Bolsheviks were all Jews. The Talmud states that the Jews are the only people who are humans, the rest of humanity merely animals whose only use is to serve the Jews.
Western democratic societies are under attack as they are the only countries flooded with illegal immigrants from third world countries. Israel does not accept any of these immigrants, however they use their influence through blackmail, threats of exposing the decadent lifestyle of political leaders who are coerced in acquiescing to the demands made of them.
I have grave concerns for the future and it is ironic that the champion of Christian values is the current Russian President who has mobilised his entire country to protect his own borders from the B actor Jewish leader of the Ukaraine installed there illegally by the USA.
Universities were formed as a result of Chritianity but no longer function to educate but to indoctrinate and erode any role Christianity has to play. -
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