Defence Force's Pulling Of Anti-woke Essay Shows Lack Of Moral Courage
8 July 2021
Defence Force's Pulling Of Anti-woke Essay Shows Lack Of Moral Courage
The decision by the Chief of the Defence Force to remove an essay which had been selected as the best written in an essay competition because he didn’t like what it claimed is chilling, and a troubling attack on free speech.
Spokesperson for the Free Speech Union, Dane Giraud says "Our society was built on a commitment to free and fearless debate — a value that countless troops have laid their lives down for. The Defence Force should be steadfast in its defence of this sacred tradition, not seek to undermine it."
“Diversity must also mean diversity of thought. The essay should not be buried, it should be debated. To gag one of our soldiers in this way, removing what had already been acknowledged as a well-articulated point, simply because the optics of the well-articulated point confronted some who do not share the views espoused, must have nations overseas bending in laughter.”
“Ironically, pulling down the essay means that countless more people have now read the essay than would have otherwise.”
“The essay is available on the Free Speech Union website, and we encourage anyone interested in its contents to read the essay themselves and make up their own mind as to whether it warranted removal.”
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