'Hate' is subjective: whether speech or crime

Dear Minister Goldsmith, 

'Hate' is an important term referencing a powerful emotion. Where individuals in our society are targets of hate, we must work to counter this hate and promote tolerance and inclusiveness. 

'Hate' is a powerful term, but an unavoidably subjective one; this is true whether it is used against word or action.

It is not the role of our criminal justice system or laws more generally to regulate this emotion. 

We have insisted that 'hate' speech laws would simply introduce a means to censor unpopular opinions. We applaud your decision to stop work on these proposals.  

'Hate' crime laws suffer from the same weaknesses and have no place in a liberal democracy that values freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the rule of law. 

Introducing 'hate' crime laws would see police and the judiciary tasked with deciding if one individual acted more criminally than another despite breaking the very same law, based on their motivations not their actions. 

We have no interest in defending criminal actions. If an individual breaks the law, they must be held accountable. But the law must apply impartially, regardless of who breaks it. There aren't 'right' reasons to break the law, or reasons that are 'more wrong' than others.

Breaking the law for 'hate' shouldn't stand alone as a category any more than breaking the law for 'love'. Who is impartial enough to determine objectively when either of these would apply? 

Keep our laws impartial, the rule of law strong, and our speech and consciences free. 

We call on Hon. Paul Goldsmith, the Minister of Justice, to reject all advice to develop 'hate' crime legislation that would introduce unacceptable subjectivity into our laws, and be used to target unpopular perspectives and unorthodox beliefs. 

2,074 signature
Goal: 5000 signature

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Showing 1429 reactions

  • Malcolm Pollock
    signed 2024-04-10 17:38:00 +1200
    Appalling to think a so-called right-of-centre party should even think about following Scotland’s atrocious example. Remember the idea of a slippery slope. Let me be clear I will never again vote National if you pursue this.
  • Lance Beets
    signed 2024-04-10 17:37:47 +1200
  • Nick Parker
    signed 2024-04-10 17:37:27 +1200
  • Suzanne Jensen
    signed 2024-04-10 17:36:46 +1200
  • Warwick Gibbs
    signed 2024-04-10 17:35:55 +1200
  • Karen Davies
    signed 2024-04-10 17:35:28 +1200
  • Jennifer Ann Harrison
    signed 2024-04-10 17:35:05 +1200
  • Garry Pellett
    signed 2024-04-10 17:33:46 +1200
  • Robert Dawson
    signed 2024-04-10 17:32:14 +1200
  • Natasha Hamilton-Hart
    signed 2024-04-10 17:31:58 +1200
  • Jennie Rachel Meacheam
    signed 2024-04-10 17:31:02 +1200
  • Barry Martin
    signed 2024-04-10 17:30:55 +1200
    Hate is very subjective and should not form part of any laws
  • Robert Kennedy
    signed 2024-04-10 17:30:34 +1200
  • Lee Leonard
    signed 2024-04-10 17:30:23 +1200
  • Derek Maggs
    signed 2024-04-10 17:29:57 +1200
  • Daniel Brain
    signed 2024-04-10 17:29:34 +1200
  • Christopher Cornwell
    signed 2024-04-10 17:28:43 +1200
  • Mikey Readman
    signed 2024-04-10 17:27:56 +1200
  • Natalie McCoskrie
    signed 2024-04-10 17:27:27 +1200
    Subjectivity is not a basis for legislation.
  • Ron Healing
    signed 2024-04-10 17:26:20 +1200
  • Ross Hebner
    signed 2024-04-10 17:25:00 +1200
  • Tim A'Beckett
    signed 2024-04-10 17:24:55 +1200
    Keep up the good work Free Speech Union!
  • Peter Bray
    signed 2024-04-10 17:24:34 +1200
  • Rod Haycock
    signed 2024-04-10 17:24:20 +1200
  • Alan Harris
    signed 2024-04-10 17:22:55 +1200
    Freedom is a word to truly abolish hate, not laws.
  • Andrew Clarkson
    signed 2024-04-10 17:22:42 +1200
  • Blair Donkin
    signed 2024-04-10 17:22:19 +1200
    A crime cannot be defined by personal perception or an interpretation of intent alone. An objective law has to be proven to have been broken based on evidence not opinion / preferences.
  • Kay Horne
    signed 2024-04-10 17:21:39 +1200
  • Alice Tan
    signed 2024-04-10 17:21:38 +1200
  • Ronald Pengelly
    signed 2024-04-10 17:20:57 +1200

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